Fill out a new online 2020 Membership Application and then purchase a Membership or Sponsorship online with Paypal or Credit Card by clicking the "Join Now" button below.
Print and complete the 2020 Membership Application, Liability Waiver and mail payment to:
Grand County Archer's Association
P.O. Box 3457
Winter Park, CO 80482
Pick up a 2020 Membership Application & Liability Waiver at the range, complete and drop it in the donation box located in the Utah Junction parking lot.

How to pay by credit/debit card (without a paypal account)
YES, you can pay by credit card without a PayPal account and without registering with PayPal.
Follow the below instructions:
- Click on the “buy now” button above for the membership you are purchasing.
Follow the PayPal prompts until you get to the Checkout Log in page. See below example.
To pay without a PayPal account, click on the “Pay with Debit or Credit Card” button (at red arrow on example below) and then continue and finalize your purchase with your credit/debit card of choice.