Bow racks at first 15 3D target locations & two picnic tables at site in range.
Backstops for all stations. This will prevent arrow loss by our members.
Broadhead pit using old damaged 3D targets. This will be the only place on the range broadheads can be used.
New shooting tee's cone locators and station arrangement.
NFAA course certification. This will allow us to hold sanctioned events including regional qualifiers.
2022 October Shoot and family BBQ
Help facilitate a large archery shoot at Mary Jane, Winter Park.
Involvement with Grand County 4H (Sharp Shooters), local boy scout group, and Fraser Valley Metropolitan District kids clinic.
Involvement with a local wildlife conservation project. This year GCAA, with the help of our sponsors, could do something that we can all be proud of. A chance to do more for Colorado's wildlife. An opportunity to give back to the mountains and wildlife than we take. Check out the video below from KUIU's Conservation Direct and see how it influences you.
Please let us know if you have any recommendations for future projects.